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eyesign a personal view continued

eyesign in racing pigeons and genetics are closely linked
cocks pass on strenghts to their daughters and hens to their sons
so if a cock or hen is bull eyed i want to look at his daughters or her sons
but with a strong enough light and by rotating the pigeons eye you can see through the bull pigment
i pay no real attention to the eye colour more to what is in the actual eye
i look for the speed and or distance lines found in the circle of correlation
and the breeding characters found within the iris

when looking at the eye i want to see a volcano effect with the eye falling away from the pupil
eyes that appear flat show inbreeding
on some pigeons you can clearly see the sphyncter muscle within the pupil
i have found that pigeons with pronounced jagged sphyncters are hard day pigeons
the spped and distance lines are east to tell apart
distance lines appear to go around the pupil in the circle of correlation
speed lines go out from the pupil in the circle of correlation

a lot of pigeons show both characteristics
espescially where a distance family has had a speed family crossed in or vice versa
you may see the top half of the eye shows speed and the lower half distance
these pigeons usually excell up to 500 miles

the breeding characters appear in the iris as mountain ranges ridges hills valleys or cottontails
the more there are the better the breeding capabilities of the pigeon
i try not to pair 2 really strong eyes together unless i am breeding for the stock loft but try to
ensure that both eyes have characters i want
remember when putting a pair together you can double up on the strengths but also on the weaknesses